Sunday, January 9, 2011

Recipe: Crab Fried Rice

Here's the recipe for the crab fried rice that I made today.

Crab Fried Rice (serves 4)

Ingredients: small variations in amounts are acceptable - this isn't rocket science!
- 15 oz rice (I used 9 oz brown rice and 6 oz white rice in order to keep the TFP whole/non-whole grain ratio, but it is not required)
- 5 oz carrots
- 6 oz dark greens (I used half Bok Choy and half spinach, but any will do)
- 8 oz crab (real crab meat in shreds (sometimes labeled "special") - don't use imitation (see post here for why)
- 4 oz eggs (should be 2 large eggs)
- 2 oz cooking oil
- soy sauce to taste

- 1 rice cooker (or a pot, if you're going to make rice on the stovetop)
- 1 wok (or a frying pan)
- 1 small bowl (for the eggs)
- 1 large bowl

1 - Cook the rice in the rice cooker or pot (follow the instructions on the rice bag if you don't know how).
2 - Chop up all the vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
3 - Crack the eggs into a small bowl. Do NOT beat the eggs!
4 - Portion out the crab meat and set it aside.

5 - Once the rice is done, use a rice paddle or spatula to break up the rice so it is loose and not sticking to the  pot.

1 - Put 1 oz of oil into the wok and put it on high heat.
2 - When the oil is hot, dump in the carrots and stir-fry for 5 minutes (less if you want crunchy carrots).
3 - Dump in the rest of the veggies, the crab, and the soy sauce (if any) and keep stir-frying for another 5 minutes.

4 - Dump everything in the wok into the large bowl and set it aside.
5 - Put 1 oz of oil into the wok and put it on high heat again.
6 - When the oil is hot, dump in the eggs.
7 - When the egg whites are done but while the yolks are still runny, dump in all of the rice and stir-fry until the yolks are no longer runny (they should be coating the rice grains and turning them yellow if you got the timing right).

8 - Dump everything in the large bowl back into the wok and mix thoroughly.
9 - Turn off the stovetop and serve!

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