Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cleaning Out The Larder: Day 1 Lunch

First real meal of the day (6 oz of tea this morning at breakfast)!

I had holiday leftovers for lunch.

First up is some Chinese sticky rice:

The box weighs in at 12 oz. I estimate that 8 oz is sticky rice (grains), with 2 oz of mixed vegetables (veggies) and 2 oz of Chinese sausage (meats and beans).

I also had some hotpot leftovers:

This one weighs about 10 oz. Estimate 4 oz daikon radishes (veggies), 3 oz tofu (veggies - soybeans are listed in Veggies instead of Meats and Beans), 3 oz lamb meat (meats and beans).

I also drank 9 oz of apple juice.

So far today I have eaten:
Total eaten / Total daily allowance: 37 oz / 91.1 oz
Grains eaten / Grains daily allowance: 8 oz / 10.4 oz
Vegetables eaten / Vegetable daily allowance: 9 oz / 21.2 oz
Fruits eaten / Fruits daily allowance: 9 oz / 19.2 oz
Milk Products eaten / Milk Products daily allowance: 0 oz / 26 oz
Meat and Beans eaten / Meat and Beans daily allowance: 5 oz / 9.1 oz
Other eaten / Other daily allowance: 6 oz / 5.2 oz

Some thoughts:

I have never given much thought to how much of each category I ate. Just from this lunch, it looks like I have been hitting the grains too hard. I guess it makes sense, since I am a big rice eater. I'll have to increase the amount of veggies I eat... I'll probably eat more potatoes to replace the rice.

The funny thing is that potatoes (starchy!) are listed under Vegetables (with their own subcategory - 1.5 pounds a day allowance!) while rice (also starchy!) is stuck under Grains. I would love to replace the potatoes with rice so I can keep wolfing down the rice, but I guess that would cheating. Boo.

I'll also have to drastically increase the amount of milk product I eat. The problem is that I am a little lactose-intolerant, so I'll have to pop some lactase pills to help digestion. Oh well.

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