Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cleaning Out The Larder: Day 3

Mabo Tofu Massacre!

Cereal in Milk:

Weight: 15 oz (2 oz cereal, 13 oz milk).

Ham and Radish Soup:

Weight: 4 oz (3 oz radish, 1 oz ham) + 12 oz of water in soup.

Mabo Tofu Rice Bowl #1:

Weight: 14 oz (3 oz mixed veggies, 4 oz tofu, 3 oz ground beef, 4 oz brown rice) + 4 oz water in rice.

Mabo Tofu Rice Bowl #2:

Weight: 18 oz (5 oz mixed veggies, 5 oz tofu, 5 oz ground beef, 3 oz brown rice) + 3 oz water in rice.

Clementines: 10 oz
Apple Juice: 9 oz
Milk: 13 oz

Total eaten / Total daily allowance: 83 oz / 91.1 oz
Grains eaten / Grains daily allowance: 9 oz / 10.4 oz
Vegetables eaten / Vegetable daily allowance: 20 oz / 21.2 oz
Fruits eaten / Fruits daily allowance: 19 oz / 19.2 oz
Milk Products eaten / Milk Products daily allowance: 26 oz / 26 oz
Meat and Beans eaten / Meat and Beans daily allowance: 9 oz / 9.1 oz
Other eaten / Other daily allowance: 0 oz / 5.2 oz

Some thoughts:

Not very hungry today. I'm glad that I finally finished off the Mabo Tofu and the leftover rice.

According to this calorie calculator, I should be eating anywhere from 2100 to 3400 kcal per day, depending on activity level. I haven't been doing too much lately, so I guess I shouldn't be eating so much anyway.

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